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1. Use the Calculator to determine the wholesale WMP-50 price. 2. Select desired accessories. 3. Choose a shipping option. 4. Total the cost to determine the associated Brokerage fee. To order, fill out and submit the form (below). Pay brokerage fee.
This has added abuse resistance. Chosen over WMP-30 for its superior durability, high fire resistance, and vapor barrier properties. Fire Performance: UL-723 | ASTMA E84 | CAN ULC-S102M | FACTORY MUTUAL |BS476 Class ) .
WMP-50 Resource Guide2. Add insulation accessories (optional).
3" x 150' - Holds insulation in place during construction. Pressure-sensitive adhesive on both sides. One roll per 2,000 sq. ft.
1/2" x 60 - Seals gaps, joints, and seams, ensuring a continuous thermal barrier. One roll per 7,000 sq. ft.
Recommended when installing insulation in open cavities to prevent sagging and shifting. One roll of 500' banding per 1,000 sq. ft. coverage
.Tek 3/4" screws are self-tapping. Washers not included. Used to secure straps, preventing insulation from loosening. One bag of screws per roll of banding
3. Select Standard or Expedited Delivery and list the choice on the form below.
Standard Delivery is $395 (11-21 days)
Expedited Shipping ( 7-11 days) adds $100 to the brokerage fee.
4. Add up the cost to determine the corresponding brokerage fee. For example, a $8,500 cost equals a $800 brokerage fee. Call for a reduced price if our total price is not your lowest rate.
$0 - $3,000 = $350
$3,001 - $8,000 = $500
$8,001 - $10,000 = $700
$10,001 - $15,000 = $800
$15,001 - $20,000 = $1,110