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If you want the exact building square footage, manually calculate the "roof" and "walls" with our guides. You can also utilize a Fiberglass (1st calculator ) and a Reflective calculator for quick calculations. Keep in mind that the calculators overestimate the building's square footage to ensure you have extra insulation delivered. If you don't want extra insulation, manually calculate the square footage.
40' x 60' = 2,400 sq. ft. x 1.014* = 2, 433 sq. ft. Roof Pitch Slope Multipliers: 1:12 = 1.003 | 2:12 = 1.014* | 3:12 = 1.031 | 4:12 |= 1.054 | 5:12 = 1.083 | 6:12 = 1.118 |
End Walls: Multiply the width by the height, and double it for both ends: End Wall Area=2×(40×14) = 1,120 sq. ft.
Side Walls: Multiply the length by the height, and double it for bothsides: Side Wall Area=2×(60×14) =1,680 sq. ft.
Total Wall Area=1,120+1,680 = 2,800 sq. ft.